Microsoft Azure Interview Questions and Answers Set 7

61.What are the advantages of cloud computing?

There are several advantages of cloud computing which are as follows:

• The versatility of the system can be altered if the business requires certain modification.
• They are highly available which increases its end users to get benefited by every inch.
• The system is capable of tolerating fault of a single part and overcomes it by remaining completely functional.
• The service allows you to pay only when the system is in use. You can easily reallocate the system when you use them and get saved from the charge.
• The system has brought into light the payment for the operation rather than the investment in the machines.

62. How to create a new storage account and container using Power Shell?

$storageName = “st” + (Get-Random)
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName “myResourceGroup” -AccountName $storageName -Location “West US” -SkuName “Standard_LRS” -Kind Storage
$accountKey = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name $storageName).Value[0]
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageName -StorageAccountKey $accountKey
New-AzureStorageContainer -Name “templates” -Context $context -Permission Container

63.What are the main functions of the Azure Cloud Service?

The main functions of the Azure Cloud Service are:

• It is designed to host the running application and at the same time manage the background running application.
• The application of web processing is termed as “web role” whereas the background processing is termed as the “worker role”.

64. How can one create a VM in Azure CLI?

az vm create ` –resource-group myResourceGroup ` –name myVM –image win2016datacenter ` –admin-username azureuser ` –admin-password myPassword12

65.Define Windows Azure AppFabric.

Windows Azure Diagnostics empowers you to gather diagnostic data from an application running in Windows Azure. Diagnostic data is used for capacity planning and evaluation.


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66. How can you retrieve the state of a particular VM?

Get-AzureRmVM `
-ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup `
-Name myVM `
-Status | Select @{n=”Status”; e={$_.Statuses[1].Code}}

67.Differentiate between the verbose and minimal monitoring.

Verbose monitoring collects metrics based on the performance that enables close analysis of data that fed during the processing of application whereas the minimal monitoring is a default configuration that makes the use of the performance counters gathered from the operating system of the host. Proceed to the more Azure cloud interview questions that are quite common.

68. How can you stop a VM using Power Shell?

Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupVM -Name “myVM” –Force

69.What is meant by the block blob and page BLOB?

Blob is a block that is having a specific block ID. Each block in this block BLOB comprises of the 4MB and maximum size of this BLOB limits to 200 GB. Whereas the Page blob contains pages in which data range is determined by the offsets. The maximum limit is 1TB where a single page is of the size 1TB.

70.What is meant by the DeadLetter queue?

Messages are transferred to the DeadLetter queue in the following situation:

• When the delivery count has exceeded for a message that is on a queue.
• When the expiry date of the message has crossed and the entire expired message is held in a queue.
• When there is an evaluation exception set by default and the subscription is enabled with dead letter filter.

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