MVC Framework Introduction – ASP.NET MVC Overview

MVC Framework

Model View Controller

MVC is a  Software Design Pattern for developing Web Application .MVC separates  the given application into three interconnected parts .ASP.Net MVC framework has been a real advantage for developers to build ASP.Net applications.

MVC Framework Overview

A MVC is made up of the following parts:

  • Model
  • View
  • Controller

Components of MVC:


The Model is responsible for managing the data of the application. Model responds to the request from the view .It is mainly responsible for maintaining data.


View is responsible for displaying all the database records to the user .A  view request the information from the model.


Controller handles  the user interaction .Controller is a software code that controls the interaction between the model and view.

Advantages of MVC:

  • Ability to provide multiple views
  • Faster development process
  • Support for asynchronous technique
  • SEO friendly Development platform
  • Modification does not affect the entire model
  • MVC model returns the data without formatting

Disadvantages of MVC:

  • Need multiple programmers
  • Increased complexity
  • Inefficiency of data access in view
  • Developer have knowledge of client side code and html code.
  • Difficulty of using MVC with modern user interface.
  • Knowledge on multiple technologies is required.
  • Developer have knowledge of client side code and html code.